For the last few years I forgot why I got into photography. I haven’t been shooting for myself. I’ve been getting a shot I’ve seen elsewhere. Or thinking about what will sell in my store. I haven’t been shooting for me. I recently purchased a Fuji X-Pro 2 and I’m loving shooting Jpegs. There is something about having to slow down and really get the shot right in camera that I’m enjoying a lot more than my Sony which I just shoot raw kinda ok and fix it all later. It’s just more “fun” to have to try again. This year I’m going to focus on shooting a lot and falling back in love with the creative process.
I’m Excited again…
I’ve been searching for something in the last few years. I don’t dedicate the time I’d like to creating. I used to beat myself up on this but I’m learning to give myself more grace.
I recently got into shooting medium format film. I like the challenge, imperfections and the feeling of it. I also love the old camera bodies that are made of metal and feel like real equipment. I just got my first two rolls of film back and they are crap but it just felt good to create something that “feels” real. We’ll see how it goes but here are a few of my favs.
Cinque Terre Remix
Watkins Glen State Park - Printable Wall Art
Watkins Glen State Park has been on my travel list for a long time now. Early this year some friends of mine invited me to their family lake house. When I looked up the location I was surprised to see that it was 25 minutes from Watkins Glen. When I talked to all the travelers about going to the state park they didn’t seem too excited but I knew I needed to go since I was so close.
So on the morning of the 4th of July I headed out at 6:00 hoping to catch some of the morning light in the slot canyon. When I got there the trail was light with traffic but I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to be the only one on the hike so I set out.
Luckily the light was amazing and I was able to get the shot I came for. I was glad this trip worked out with the location and I could finally take Watkins Glen off my travel list.
Shark off the Beach of Destin Florida - Printable Art
I’ve traveled the world and most of Florida but I’ve only been to a few beaches that have been as nice as Destin Florida. During our trip we saw dolphins, lots of fish (including fish eating fish), a stingray and my favorite a shark.
I saw this guy early one morning while flying my drone. It’s a little scary how close it is to the shore but it was great to see from the comfort of the beach.