Thomas Campone Photography

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Chicago Botanic Gardens - The 2015 Orchid Exhibit

The Chicago Botanic Garden is an 385 acre plot of land about 20 miles north of Chicago full of perfectly manicured rows of hedges and small orchards of fruit trees. From time to time the botanic garden has specialty shows. In February they had their annual orchid show.  The show consisted of 3 greenhouses full of all different species of orchids.  I've seen a few varietals of orchids before but have never experienced the wide range of colors, shapes and sizes that were on display during the show. 

The show also hosts a yearly photography contest with a grand prize winner. To help capture that special shot the gardens designates one day a week to allow for tripods in the show. I missed the deadline to submit my images but I'm impressed with the winners this year.

The Chicago Botanic Gardens also has a free monthly photo walk starting in May. I've never participated but I think it's something that I'm going to take advantage of this year. The location is so expansive that a guided tour would definitely help cover the best areas of the garden. 

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