If you want to visit a place that will give off the feeling of getting away from it all, Rock House Resort Negril Jamaica is a great bet. Located in an isolated cove facing westward toward the setting sun and surrounded by forest-covered hills on one side and rocks along its coastline, this resort gives guests access to everything they need for peace & quiet within walking distance.
The Rockhouse Jamaica
I recently had the opportunity to visit the renowned Rockhouse Hotel in Negril Jamaica. The hotel sits right on the cliffs of Jamaica and has some of the bluest and clearest waters that I've ever seen.
Rockhouse - Jamaica - Views of the villas during sunset.
We left Chicago on a snow filled winter day in February and were delayed almost two hours due to the de-icing procedure. So much for a good start to our trip. But luckily that was the worst part of the trip. Once we were in the air the plane felt like a party bus with everyone sipping on cocktails and enjoying the relatively quick 3.5 hour flight straight to Montego Bay.
Rockhouse - Jamaica - In just a few minutes the sun changed so much.
As we landed the hills and mountains in Jamaica were hard not to notice. Everything was lush and green and once the cabin door opened I could feel the warm air revitalize my cold hardened Chicago skin.
We quickly navigated customs and headed out to find our driver. After a 90+ minute drive through winding roads and some pretty desolated villages, we found our way to the parking lot of the Rockhouse Hotel. It was tough to tell how beautiful the hotel was at night but I could tell that the morning would bring a great reveal.
Rockhouse - Jamaica - Views of the stars at night.
The next day I wasn't disappointed. The hotel sits directly on the cliffs of Negril with a small coral reef in its bay. The water was clear and the view facing west was nothing but blue ocean. Since I was only there for three nights and I missed the first sunset, I knew I would have to take advantage of the rest of the days. The first day I witnessed one of the Jamaican sunsets that everyone raves about.
The rest of the trip I spent some time wandering the resort shooting a few shots but the sunset shot was the one I wanted to get and I'm thrilled with the result. I've since moved this photo into my portfolio. Although the trip to Jamaica got started with a few bumps, I had an amazing time at the Rockhouse and hope to one day return.
Rockhouse - Jamaica - Look at that water!
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